Duesseldorf // Cologne

by streetsofmine

Just a quick selection of shots i took during the last few weeks. I’ve been very busy with my internship, that’s why i never found the time to write a new blog post. I still accumulated many photos since i tried to always bring my camera…

Around mid-March my girlfriend visited me and we went to Cologne.

I sincerely love this town, although is pretty hectic…

It was so cloudy. I honestly can’t remember the last time i visited Cologne on a sunny day…

Leaving the central station we went straight to the riverside and saw this guy fishing in the Rhine. Not sure if anyone should eat those fish…

Our primary destination was Cologne’s Zoo, my girlfriend wanted to see it… In the end we both found it rather depressing since the facilities were in a seriously bad shape. I didn’t take many pictures there but the one above turned out to become one of my favorites from the entire day… Probably because it gives an idea of why this place can make one sad 😉

I took this frame on our way back. There really wasn’t much going on in Cologne that day due to the bad weather. No problem for me, i love pictures like this…

Back at my parent’s place. My girlfriend making tea while my father prepares dinner…

We stayed for a couple of days at my parent’s during which we really didn’t do much.

We read…

…hung out with my friends…

…and i took some pictures of the house. It’s been calm 😉

Few days after my girlfriend left i decided to take the train to Duesseldorf to visit a friend and do some street shooting. On my way to the station i noticed this cute couple.

Almost missed my train waiting for someone to walk up the stairs in front of me…

Just a hand…

Felt challenged to secretly take this guy’s picture since he weirdly stared at me for at least five minutes…

It was a very sunny day creating cool light/shadow situations like this. Kind of a boring shot though, i need to stop taking pictures of people’s backsides…


Two minutes later he dropped half of his paper on the ground. I helped him picking it up again in exchange for this picture 😉

I really needed to adjust to the contrasty lighting created by the bright sunlight but ended up quite happy with some of the results…

Driving home i could watch the sunset from my train window.